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您当前的位置:电玩网>模拟软件>街机模拟器>Raine>[NEOGEOCD/多街机模拟器]Raine 0.63.15

[NEOGEOCD/多街机模拟器]Raine 0.63.15

  • 游戏授权:免费
  • 更新时间:2014-11-25
  • 游戏语言:中文
  • 运行平台:NEOGEOCD
  • 游戏厂商:互联网











01-0901NeoRaine 1.0.3

01 NeoRaine 1.0.3

10-0602Raine 0.42.4

02 Raine 0.42.4
Raine 0.42.4 Raine

05-2803Neoraine 1.1.5

03 Neoraine 1.1.5

01-2704多街机模拟器Raine v0.60.1

10-0605rainew 0.40.2

05 rainew 0.40.2

10-0606Raine 0.40.0

06 Raine 0.40.0
Raine 0.40.0 Raine

01-0907Raine 0.50.6-4

07 Raine 0.50.6-4



Sorry some bugs to fix in this one again, there was a last bug with the very badly supported format where audio tracks are merged with the data track for neocd (only for games having a lot of files in their iso, like ssrpg), and a bug in sound associations which deleted them before saving them !
Except that I added what I wanted to add in the previous version, the ability to save inputs to some user configuration, and then load them either from one of these configurations or to get them from another game. For that to work, I had to change the way inputs are saved, which means that if you had some custom inputs saved, they will be reseted to the default inputs for this version. The good news is that it will be much faster to change them now if you have a few games to change.

Also I removed all the data files from the binary package to keep it small, so if you want to use hiscore.dat, history.dat, or command.dat, you can find them either in the Extras section, or from another site on the internet.

I just uploaded the debian package, the news is that the data files are now separate, I have put them in the "Recommands" section of raine, but most package managers just silently ignore recommended packages, so you can install manually history-raine, hiscore-raine, and command-raine (and m68kdis if you interested about 680x0 disassembling in the console !). The idea is to install these packages only once, they shouldn't be updated often at all.



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