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Mame最新模拟 马古拉向前冲 本地下载是一款好玩的游戏核心放置战斗软件
软件大小: 软件语言:中文 软件分类:安卓游戏   软件编辑:admin 软件授权: 更新时间:2017/6/25 0:00:00 支持系统:Android



马古拉向前冲 Up Maguila 1982 Nintendo新街机模拟器mame0.185支持大金刚Jr克隆版类maguila.zip街机游戏

驴孔的儿子,DK Jr.,必须拯救他捕获的父亲从马里奥的离合器攀登和跳跃的方式超过藤,链和平台之前,他可以达到他的父亲。Jr.与时间赛跑的同时避免可怕的snapjaws,吹毛求疵,火花释放马里奥。和原著一样,《小金刚》有四个不同的阶段,但在美国版本中,前两个阶段中省略了一个或两个中间阶段。在日本,盗版版本,所有的四个阶段是在逻辑顺序播放。请参阅“Donkey Kong Junior”(北美版)的条目,更新部分,完整的细节。
Something of a role reversal for this superb sequel to the seminal 1981 platform-based original, with Mario now cast as the villain (the only Mario game in which this occurred) and Donkey Kong cast as the captured victim.
Donkey Kong's son, DK Jr., must rescue his captured father from Mario's clutches by climbing and jumping his way over vines, chains and platforms before he can reach his father. Jr. has to race against time while avoiding the horrible Snapjaws, Nitpickers, and Sparks released by Mario.
Like the original, Donkey Kong Jr. features four different stages, but in the US version, one or both of the middle stages are omitted in the first three levels. In the Japanese and bootleg versions, all four stages are played in their logical order. Please refer to the "Donkey Kong Junior" (North American version) entry, Updates section, for complete details.