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2010-06-11  |  来源:互联网  |  小编:admin  |   人看过  

FAQ 常问常答

Will this guide work with modchipped Wii's?本指南适用于硬改芯片吗?

Will the modchip conflict with some of my homebrew. 硬改芯片与homebrew冲突吗?
A modchip will not conflict with ANY homebrew. 硬改芯片不与任何homebrew冲突。


System menu 4.2 (系 统菜单4.2)
This update is the biggest Homebrew stopping update till now. Some effects on Homebrew are (>> = solutions):
*    Deletes the Homebrew Channel >> Homebrew channel got new titleID (JODI instead of HAXX)
*    Blocks Bannerbomb, other exploits remain unchanged (Twilight Hack was already blocked on 4.0). >>  New version of bannerbomb was released
*    Overwrites boot2v2 and boot2v3, overwriting BootMii on consoles without boot2v4 already installed. >> Reinstall Bootmii after updating (if you could install it before)
*    System menu now uses IOS70, as attempt to block preloader >> Preloader can use IOS70 now
*    Known cIOS (249, 250, 222 and 223) get overwritten by stubs (unused placefillers) >> Delete them with Wad manager (or AnyTitle Deleter). IOS250 doesn't get overwritten if you already had it.

*    删除Homebrew Channel >> Homebrew channel 有了一个新的titleID (JODI 代替原有的 HAXX)
*    阻止了Bannerbomb,其它漏洞不变 (Twilight Hack 以在4.0中已被阻止). >> 发布了新版本的bannerbomb
*    覆盖boot2v2 和boot2v3,覆盖没有装boot2v4 的游戏机上的BootMii. >> 更新后重装Bootmii (如果你以前能够安装的话)
*    System menu 现在是用IOS70, 以试图阻止preloader >> Preloader 现在可以用IOS70
*    已知的cIOS (249, 250, 222 and 223) 会被stub(无用的占位者)覆盖 >> 用Wad manager (或AnyTitle Deleter)将它们删除. 已有的IOS250 不会被覆盖.

You might want to know if there are any advantages. Well, the answer is MAYBE. This update was only to block homebrew, but many IOS versions were also updated, so that could possibly show better performance while using your Wii.
你可能会想要知道(新系 统菜单)有那些好处。答案是也许有。此次升级只是想阻止homebrew,但许多IOS版本也随之升级,因此也许在用Wii时会看到更好的性能。
But still, if you want to start fresh, I'd recommend updating to 4.2 as its not too different to softmod it.

Do not update to 4.2 if you have a region changed Korean Wii. If you do, you get the famous 003 error (=brick). If you really need the update, install IOS70 from cIOSCorp 3.5
如果你有韩版改区的Wii,不要升级到4.2。否则会得到著名的003错误(变砖)。如果你一定要升级,从cIOSCorp 3.5中来安装IOS70。

More info at更多信息在此: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/System_Menu_4.2



Trucha, need it or not? (需不需要Trucha?)
People seem to get confused when they see this guide and ask themselves: "Do I really need to do all of this???".

Well, some apps are happy with just the Homebrew Channel or any other Homebrew Launching method (like bannerbomb).
有些程序仅仅用Homebrew Channel或者任何其它启动homebrew的方法启动(比如bannerbomb)就可以了。
Other apps, like backup loaders, will need a little more than just that and require you to do the Trucha steps as well.
另外一些,比方说backup loaders,就要比上面的要求稍多一些,必须要作Trucha步骤。

Here is a short list of apps that do and do not need the trucha steps.

Note: List still under construction, feel free to make suggestions in the comments ;)

Apps that DO need the Trucha steps 需要Trucha步骤的程序
*    cIOS Installers (which are in turn needed by backup loaders and DARKCORP)  cIOS安装程序(backup loaders和DARKCORP会用到)
*    Priiloader
*    Wad managers (For installing custom content like homebrew channels. 用来安装像非官方内容的homebrew频道)
*    Some parts of DOP-Mii (DOP-Mii的某些部分)
*    AnyTitle Deleter

Apps that DO NOT need the Trucha steps 无需trucha步骤的程序
*    Emulators 仿真器
*    Homebrew Browser
*    Most (if not all) homebrew Games 绝大部分homebrew游戏
*    BootMii
*    MPlayer_CE, WiiMC (or any video/music player 或者任何视频/音乐播放器)
*    Wad Managers (Installing official content 安装官方内容)
*    SNEEK
*    Gecko OS
*    SignCheck/SysCheck



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